Domaines Paul Mas Announced European Winery of the Year 2020

2020 marks two decades since Jean-Claude Mas began his journey to build what has become one of the most well-respected groups of wine estates in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of Southern France. But this year they have a second major accomplishment to celebrate: being awarded European Winery of the Year by Wine Enthusiast. Wine Enthusiast, one …


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Volio Goes Carbon Neutral

Volio has partnered with to analyze and 100% offset our company’s carbon emissions from 2019 onward. Going carbon neutral is a key part of our larger effort to increase environmental sustainability at each stage of our operations. Volio’s mission has always been to bring the vineyard experience closer to the consumer experience, which requires, …



What is the Difference Between Old World Wine and New World Wine?

First, let’s answer the question: what and where are we talking about when we say the “new world” and the “old world?” Generally, the list of countries considered part of the old world are: Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, and Germany. And the list of countries considered part of the new world are: USA, Canada, Argentina, …


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What is Natural Wine?

This Wednesday, April 22nd will mark the 50th Anniversary of the first official Earth Day, in 1970. Credited with launching the modern environmental movement, Earth Day is a celebration of everything we should be doing year-round to protect our planet. In the wine industry, discussions of Earth and environmental concerns usually lead quickly to the …


Breaking News: Volio buys land for a future vineyard site in the Faroe Islands – April Fool’s!

As some of you may know, it has long been a dream for Charles to own a vineyard. And, after much searching and consideration, we are thrilled to announce that this dream will soon be realized. In light of the changing climate and a forward-thinking opportunity that we could not say no to, Volio has …


Volio Wine Madness 2020

With the March Madness “Sweet Sixteen” and “Elite Eight” originally scheduled for the end of March, we all would have been experiencing serious basketball fever by this weekend (highly contagious but much better than COVID-19). For many, this would include excitedly watching as each new game result either confirmed or ruined their meticulously filled out …


Traveling during COVID-19

As some of you may know, our intrepid Marketing & Operations Associate, Steve, has been living and studying in Bordeaux, France for the past nine months. But just as finals were coming to a close, COVID-19 hit Europe in full force. After observing the rapid expansion of the virus in Italy and France–where he had …